Tuesday 25 November 2008

Custom Reporting in CRM 4.0

So after my relatively successful installation of the Event Management Accelerator, I have yet to test out how it actually works! But there is a reason for this... I have been thrust head first into writing Custom Reports for a particular client of ours... not one of my favorite subjects, but one that surprisingly I am finding quite enjoyable!

I have been playing around with Visual Studio and it is very good at making the reporting minefield relatively trouble free... and if I ever do run into any issues there is always the trusty geniuses on http://forums.microsoft.com/Dynamics/default.aspx?siteid=27 to help you out!

My major triumph today, however was a small piece of SQL code that enabled me to display the months to close a particular opportunity on this said report, now it may not seem much, but for me, it was like almost reaching the top of Everest!

anyways here is the code for months

=sum(DateDiff(DateInterval.Day, Fields!createdon.Value, Fields!actualclosedate.Value)/28)

However, the pièce de résistance has to be the average time that it takes to close opportunities and this code took a little while to get my head around the logic... but here it is...

=AVG(DateDiff(DateInterval.Day, Fields!createdon.Value, Fields!actualclosedate.Value)/28)

As you can probably tell, I'm rather pleased with myself so I think it is now time to go for coffee!

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